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We are developing innovative technologies that will create new markets and lead industry changes.


The future of energy & the energy of the future


I am honored to address you as the CEO of ROMTECH, a company that has been tirelessly dedicated to shaping the future of energy since its inception in 1998.
Throughout our journey, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to the study of renewable energy, energy storage systems (ESS), and waste-to-energy solutions.

Our pursuit has been clear: to develop energy solutions that not only bring happiness to humanity but also safeguard our global environment through sustainable practices.

ROMTECH's legacy is rooted in its enduring exploration of better energy alternatives.
As we stand on the threshold of a new era, I am proud to announce that ROMTECH is prepared to assume responsibility for the energy that will power your future.
Backed by our extensive experience and cutting-edge global technology, we are poised to lay the foundation for tomorrow's energy landscape.

Renewable energy sources and the utilization of waste energy, a product of human activity, will be our primary focus.
Through these avenues, we are committed to delivering 100 percent green energy solutions.
Our goal is to harness the potential of nature's offerings and transform them into sustainable power sources that benefit both humanity and the planet.

But for ROMTECH, this is not an endpoint—it's a new beginning.
We view the conclusion of one energy chapter as the commencement of another, marked by the ceaseless pursuit of technological advancements.
It is through these challenges that we find our purpose and derive our happiness.

Lim Byung-jae, the CEO of ROMTECH. It is my privilege to lead this organization and its dedicated team, partners, and stakeholders.
Together, we embark on a journey of transformation—a journey that transcends business, aiming to create a world where technology and sustainability coexist harmoniously.

Join us as we pave the way for a future where energy is not just a resource, but a source of prosperity and well-being for generations to come.

With gratitude.

CEO, Lim Byung-jae

  • CEO Lim Byung-jae ADD. 34, Yetgol-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea TEL. +70 7490 2110 FAX. +70 7490 2110 E-Mail


    TEL. +70 7490 2110 | FAX. +70 7490 2110 | E-MAIL.


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